Sharing my Korean school lunches with the world!

Shrimp Fried Rice with Black Bean Sauce and Various Side Dishes - My Korean School Lunch

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: black bean sauce (짜장소스), shrimp fried rice (새우볶음밥), fried dumplings with sweet and sour sauce (탕수만두), seasoned mung bean sprouts (숙주나물무침), Jeju green tangerine juice (제주청귤주스), and cabbage kimchi (배추김치).

Black bean sauce
  • English: Black bean sauce
    Korean: 짜장소스
    Romanized: Jjajang-soseu

Shrimp fried rice
  • English: Shrimp fried rice
    Korean: 새우볶음밥
    Romanized: Saeu-bokkeumbap

Fried dumplings with sweet and sour sauce
  • English: Fried dumplings with sweet and sour sauce
    Korean: 탕수만두
    Romanized: Tangsu-mandu

Seasoned mung bean sprouts
  • English: Seasoned mung bean sprouts
    Korean: 숙주나물무침
    Romanized: Sukju-namul-muchim

Jeju green tangerine juice
  • English: Jeju green tangerine juice
    Korean: 제주청귤주스
    Romanized: Jeju-cheonggyul-juseu

Cabbage kimchi
  • English: Cabbage kimchi
    Korean: 배추김치
    Romanized: Baechu-kimchi


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