Sharing my Korean school lunches with the world!

Seafood in Black Bean Sauce and Various Side Dishes - My Korean School Lunch

Seafood in Black Bean Sauce and Various Side Dishes

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: seafood in black bean sauce (해물짜장소스), rice with peas and corn (완두콩옥수수밥), spicy cucumber salad (오이무침), apple-flavored fermented milk (사과맛요구르트), grilled chicken skewers with teriyaki sauce (닭꼬치구이&데리야끼소스), and cabbage kimchi (배추김치).

Seafood in black bean sauce
  • English: Seafood in black bean sauce
    Korean: 해물짜장소스
    Romanized: Haemul-jjajang-soseu

Rice with peas and corn
  • English: Rice with peas and corn
    Korean: 완두콩옥수수밥
    Romanized: Wandukong-oksusu-bap

Spicy cucumber salad
  • English: Spicy cucumber salad
    Korean: 오이무침
    Romanized: Oi-muchim

Apple-flavored fermented milk
  • English: Apple-flavored fermented milk
    Korean: 사과맛요구르트
    Romanized: Sagwamat-yogureuteu

Chicken skewer with teriyaki sauce
  • English: Chicken skewer with teriyaki sauce
    Korean: 닭꼬치구이&데리야끼소스
    Romanized: Dakkkochi-gui & Deriyakki-soseu

Cabbage kimchi
  • English: Cabbage kimchi
    Korean: 배추김치
    Romanized: Baechu-kimchi


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