Sharing my Korean school lunches with the world!

Pollack Stew and Various Side Dishes - My Korean School Lunch

Pollack Stew and Various Side Dishes

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: pollack stew (동태찌개), white rice mixed with chestnuts (밤밥), fried chicken with green onion (파닭), mini donut hole (미니도넛홀), cabbage kimchi (배추김치), and seasoned acorn jelly salad (도토리묵무침).
Pollack stew
  • English: Pollack stew
    Korean: 동태찌개
    Romanized: Dongtae-jjigae

White rice mixed with chestnuts
  • English: White rice mixed with chestnuts
    Korean: 밤밥
    Romanized: Bambap

Fried chicken with green onion
  • English: Fried chicken with green onion
    Korean: 파닭
    Romanized: Padak

Mini donut hole
  • English: Mini donut hole
    Korean: 미니도넛홀
    Romanized: Mini-doneot-hol

Cabbage kimchi
  • English: Cabbage kimchi
    Korean: 배추김치
    Romanized: Baechu-kimchi

Seasoned acorn jelly salad
  • English: Seasoned acorn jelly salad
    Korean: 도토리묵무침
    Romanized: Dotorimuk-muchim


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