Sharing my Korean school lunches with the world!

Spicy Sichuan Hot Pot and Various Side Dishes - My Korean School Lunch

Spicy Sichuan Hot Pot and Various Side Dishes

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: spicy Sichuan hot pot (마라탕), rice with barley (보리밥), stir-fried chicken with teriyaki sauce (데리야끼닭볶음), Shine Muscat grapes (샤인머스켓), cubed radish kimchi (깍두기), and potato salad (감자샐러드).

Spicy Sichuan hot pot
  • English: Spicy Sichuan hot pot
    Korean: 마라탕
    Romanized: Malatang

Rice with barley
  • English: Rice with barley
    Korean: 보리밥
    Romanized: Bori-bap

Stir-fried chicken with teriyaki sauce
  • English: Stir-fried chicken with teriyaki sauce
    Korean: 데리야끼닭볶음
    Romanized: Deriyakki-dak-bokkeum

Shine Muscat grapes
  • English: Shine Muscat grapes
    Korean: 샤인머스켓
    Romanized: Shyain-meoseuket

Cubed radish kimchi
  • English: Cubed radish kimchi
    Korean: 깍두기
    Romanized: Kkakdugi

Potato salad
  • English: Potato salad
    Korean: 감자샐러드
    Romanized: Gamja-saelleodeu


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