Sharing my Korean school lunches with the world!

Braised Semi-Dried Pollock and Various Side Dishes - My Korean School Lunch

Braised Semi-Dried Pollock and Various Side Dishes

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: Tonkotsu ramen (돈코츠라멘), white rice mixed with brown rice (현미밥), braised semi-dried pollock (코다리조림), chocolate milk-flavored ice cream (초코우유맛아이스크림), cabbage kimchi (배추김치), and scrambled eggs (달걀볶음).

Tonkotsu ramen
  • English: Tonkotsu ramen
    Korean: 돈코츠라멘
    Romanized: Donkocheu-ramen

Brown rice
  • English: White rice mixed with brown rice
    Korean: 현미밥
    Romanized: Hyeonmibap

Braised semi-dried pollock
  • English: Braised semi-dried pollock 
    Korean: 코다리조림
    Romanized: Kodari-jorim

Chocolate milk-flavored ice cream
  • English: Chocolate milk-flavored ice cream
    Korean: 초코우유맛아이스크림
    Romanized: Choko-uyu-mat-aiseukeurim

Cabbage kimchi
  • English: Cabbage kimchi
    Korean: 배추김치
    Romanized: Baechu-kimchi

Scrambled eggs
  • English: Scrambled eggs
    Korean: 달걀볶음
    Romanized: Dalgyal-bokkeum


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