Sharing my Korean school lunches with the world!

Korean Curry and Various Side Dishes - My Korean School Lunch

Korean Curry and Various Side Dishes

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: Korean curry (카레), rice with peas (완두콩밥), seasoned whelk with vegetables and noodles (골뱅이야채무침), chicken skewer with teriyaki sauce (데리야끼닭꼬치), chocolate milk (초코우유), and cabbage kimchi (배추김치).

Korean curry
  • English: Korean curry
    Korean: 카레
    Romanized: Kare

Rice with peas
  • English: Rice with peas
    Korean: 완두콩밥
    Romanized: Wandukongbap

Seasoned whelk with vegetables and noodles
  • English: Seasoned whelk with vegetables and noodles
    Korean: 골뱅이야채무침
    Romanized: Golbaengi-yachae-muchim

Chicken skewer with teriyaki sauce
  • English: Chicken skewer with teriyaki sauce
    Korean: 데리야끼닭꼬치
    Romanized: Deriyakki-dakkkochi

Chocolate milk
  • English: Chocolate milk
    Korean: 초코우유
    Romanized: Choko-uyu

Cabbage kimchi
  • English: Cabbage kimchi
    Korean: 배추김치
    Romanized: Baechu-kimchi


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