Sharing my Korean school lunches with the world!

Grilled Pork with Mushrooms and Various Side Dishes - My Korean School Lunch

Grilled Pork with Mushrooms and Various Side Dishes

My Korean school lunch! Starting from the bottom right: soybean paste stew (된장찌개), barley with rice (보리밥), grilled pork with mushrooms, and seasoned Korean soybean paste mixed with Korean chili paste (돼지고기버섯구이&쌈장), lettuce wraps (상추쌈), half a banana (바나나), and seasoned radish with cabbage wrapped in kimchi (보쌈김치).

Soybean paste stew
  • English: Soybean paste stew
    Korean: 된장찌개
    Romanized: Doenjangjjigae

Barley with rice
  • English: Barley with rice
    Korean: 보리밥
    Romanized: Bori-bap

Grilled pork with mushrooms, and seasoned Korean soybean paste mixed with Korean chili paste
  • English: Grilled pork with mushrooms, and seasoned Korean soybean paste mixed with Korean chili paste
    Korean: 돼지고기버섯구이&쌈장
    Romanized: Dwaejigogi-beoseotgui and Ssamjang

Lettuce wraps
  • English: Lettuce wraps
    Korean: 상추쌈
    Romanized: Sangchu-ssam

  • English: Banana
    Korean: 바나나
    Romanized: Banana

Seasoned radish with cabbage wrapped in kimchi
  • English: Seasoned radish with cabbage wrapped in kimchi
    Korean: 보쌈김치
    Romanized: Bossam-kimchi


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