Sharing my Korean school lunches with the world!

My Korean School Lunch - Scorched-Rice Water and Various Side Dishes

My Korean school lunch! Starting from the bottom right: scorched-rice water (누룽지숭늉), Korean marinated pork mixed with rice and wild vegetables (돼지불고기산채비빔밥), deep-fried squid rings (오징어링튀김), seasoned soybean paste for the bibimbap (강된장), pear (배), and white kimchi (백김치).

Scorched-rice water
  • English: Scorched-rice water
    Korean: 누룽지숭늉
    Romanized: Nurungji-sungnyung

Korean marinated pork mixed with rice and wild vegetables
  • English: Korean marinated pork mixed with rice and wild vegetables
    Korean: 돼지불고기산채비빔밥
    Romanized: Dwaeji-bulgogi-sanchae-bibimbap

Deep-fried squid rings
  • English: Deep-fried squid rings
    Korean: 오징어링튀김
    Romanized: Ojingeoring-twigim

Seasoned soybean paste
  • English: Seasoned soybean paste
    Korean: 강된장
    Romanized: Gang-doenjang

  • English: Pear
    Romanized: Bae

White kimchi
  • English: White kimchi
    Korean: 백김치
    Romanized: Baek-kimchi


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