Sharing my Korean school lunches with the world!

My Korean School Lunch - Rice Topped with Octopus and Various Side Dishes

My Korean school lunch: green onion egg drop soup (달걀파국), rice topped with octopus (낙지덮밥), chicken skewers with barbeque sauce (닭꼬치바베큐소스), deep-fried flower-shaped steamed bun (꽃빵튀김), seasoned spinach (시금치무침), white kimchi (백김치), and fermented milk (요구르트).

  • English: Green onion egg drop soup
    Korean: 달걀파국
    Romanized: Dalgyal-paguk

  • English: Rice topped with octopus
    Korean: 낙지덮밥
    Romanized: Nakji-deopbap

  • English: Chicken skewers with barbeque sauce
    Korean: 닭꼬치바베큐소스
    Romanized: Dakkkochi-babekyusoseu

  • English: Deep-fried flower-shaped steamed bun
    Korean: 꽃빵튀김
    Romanized: Ggotbbang-twigim

  • English: Seasoned spinach
    Korean: 시금치무침
    Romanized: Sigeumchi-muchim

  • English: White kimchi
    Korean: 백김치
    Romanized: Baek-kimchi

  • English: Fermented milk
    Korean: 요구르트
    Romanized: Yogureuteu


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