Sharing my Korean school lunches with the world!

My Korean School Lunch - Beef Brisket with Spicy Seafood Noodle Soup and Various Side Dishes

My Korean school lunch! Starting from the bottom right: beef brisket with spicy seafood noodle soup (차돌짬뽕), rice with black bean sauce (짜장밥), boneless fried chicken (순살치킨), stir-fried sweet coltsfoot with perilla seeds (머위대들깨볶음), cabbage kimchi (배추김치), and pineapple (파인애플).

Beef brisket with spicy seafood noodle soup
  • English: Beef brisket with spicy seafood noodle soup
    Korean: 차돌짬뽕
    Romanized: Chadol-jjambbong

Rice with black bean sauce
  • English: Rice with black bean sauce
    Korean: 짜장밥
    Romanized: Jjajangbap

Boneless fried chicken
  • English: Boneless fried chicken
    Korean: 순살치킨
    Romanized: Sunsal-chikin

Stir-fried sweet coltsfoot with perilla seeds
  • English: Stir-fried sweet coltsfoot with perilla seeds
    Korean: 머위대들깨볶음
    Romanized: Meowidae-deulkkae-bokkeum

Cabbage kimchi
  • English: Cabbage kimchi
    Korean: 배추김치
    Romanized: Baechu-kimchi

  • English: Pineapple
    Korean: 파인애플
    Romanized: Painaepeul


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