Sharing my Korean school lunches with the world!

Delicious Korean School Lunch

Delicious Korean School Lunch

My Korean school lunch: mugwort fish cake soup (쑥갓어묵국), bean sprout rice with seasoning sauce (콩나물밥&양념장), strawberries (딸기), winter-grown herbs (얼갈이나물), cubed radish kimchi (깍두기), and crunchy potato squid rings (크런치포테이토오징어링).

Korean School Lunch

Mugwort fish cake soup
  • English: Mugwort fish cake soup
    Korean: 쑥갓어묵국
    Romanized: Ssukgat-eomukguk
    • Basic ingredients: fish cake, water, radish, dried kelp, green onion, and mugwort.
    • Seasoning: soy sauce, cooking wine, tuna seasoning sauce, and salt.

Bean sprout rice and seasoning sauce
  • English: Bean sprout rice and seasoning sauce
    Korean: 콩나물밥 & 양념장
    Romanized: Kongnamulbap and yangnyeomjang

  • English: Strawberry
    Korean: 딸기
    Romanized: Ddalgi

Winter-grown herb
  • English: Winter-grown herb
    Korean: 얼갈이나물
    Romanized: Eolgali-namul
    • Basic ingredients: winter-grown herb, garlic, and sesame oil.
    • Seasoning: salt, soy sauce, and sesame seeds.

Cubed radish kimchi
  • English: Cubed radish kimchi
    Korean: 깍두기
    Romanized: Kkakdugi
    • Basic ingredients: radish and sea salt.
    • Seasoning: chili powder, plum syrup, chives, onion, ginger, garlic, salted shrimp, garlic, fermented anchovy sauce, and apple.

Crunchy potato squid ring
  • English: Crunchy potato squid ring
    Korean: 크런치포테이토오징어링
    Romanized: Keurunchi-potato-ojinguhring


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