My Korean elementary school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: Korean beef short rib soup (한우영양갈비탕), sticky rice mixed with sprouted brown rice (발아현미찹쌀밥), stir-fried Vienna sausages and broccoli mixed with ketchup (비엔나브로콜리케찹볶음), seasoned winter-grown cabbage with soybean paste (얼갈이배추된장무침), Kyoho grapes (거봉포도), and sliced radish kimchi (섞박지).
My Korean School Lunch - Korean Beef Short Rib Soup and Various Side Dishes
My Korean elementary school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: Korean beef short rib soup (한우영양갈비탕), sticky rice mixed with sprouted brown rice (발아현미찹쌀밥), stir-fried Vienna sausages and broccoli mixed with ketchup (비엔나브로콜리케찹볶음), seasoned winter-grown cabbage with soybean paste (얼갈이배추된장무침), Kyoho grapes (거봉포도), and sliced radish kimchi (섞박지).
My Korean School Lunch - Beef and Green Onion Soup with Various Side Dishes
My Korean elementary school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: beef and green onion soup (소고기대파국), white rice mixed with sprouted brown rice and barley (보리발아현미밥), braised pork ribs (돼지갈비찜), sautéed bellflower roots (도라지나물), cheddar cheese pastry (황치즈파이), and cabbage kimchi (배추김치).
My Korean School Lunch - Beef Short Rib Soup and Various Side Dishes
My Korean School Lunch - Pizza Hot Dog and Various Side Dishes
My Korean School Lunch - Grilled Pork Belly and Various Side Dishes
My Korean School Lunch - Spicy Rice Cakes and Various Side Dishes
My Korean School Lunch - Pork Soup and Various Side Dishes
My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: Korean pork soup (돼지국밥), sticky rice mixed with sprouted brown rice (발아현미찹쌀밥), Korean steamed eggs (계란찜), kimchi pancakes with squid (오징어김치전), honeydew melon (허니듀멜론), and sliced radish kimchi (섞박지).
My Korean School Lunch - Kimchi Fried Rice with Ham and Various Side Dishes
My Korean School Lunch - Shrimp and Chive Dumpling Soup and Various Side Dishes
My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: shrimp and chive dumpling soup (새우부추만두국), sticky rice mixed with sprouted brown rice (발아현미찹쌀밥), chicken wings with honey seasoning sauce (허니닭봉조림), Navel orange (네블오렌지), stir-fried perilla leaves (깻잎나물볶음), and cabbage kimchi (배추김치).
A Taste of Korean School Lunch
Exploring the Delights of Korean School Lunch

My Korean Elementary School Lunch
Deep-Fried Seaweed Rolls and Various Side Dishes - My Korean Elementary School Lunch
My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: fish cake soup (어묵국), Korean rice cakes in a spicy, sweet, and creamy sauce (로제떡볶이), seasoned yellow pickled radish (단무지무침), deep-fried shrimp (새우튀김), mini deep-fried seaweed rolls filled with glass noodles (미니김말이), probiotic plum-flavored drink (유산균음료자두맛), and a lump of rice with assorted seeds and roasted seaweed flakes (모듬깨주먹밥).
Korean School Meal
School Lunch in South Korea
My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: pork backbone stew (돼지등뼈감자탕), rice with glutinous millet (차조밥), Korean ham pancake and tofu pancake (햄전&두부전), seasoned water dropwort with mung bean sprouts (미나리숙주나물무침), sliced radish kimchi (섞박지), and mango pudding (망고푸딩).