Sharing my Korean school lunches with the world!

My Korean Elementary School Lunch

korean school lunch

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: nutritious short rib soup (영양갈비탕), white rice (백미밥), boiled squid and broccoli with vinegared red pepper paste (오징어브로콜리숙회&초고추장), water chestnut jelly salad (올방개묵무침), cubed radish kimchi (깍두기), and gold kiwifruit (골드키위).

Deep-Fried Seaweed Rolls and Various Side Dishes - My Korean Elementary School Lunch

korean school lunch

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: fish cake soup (어묵국), Korean rice cakes in a spicy, sweet, and creamy sauce (로제떡볶이), seasoned yellow pickled radish (단무지무침), deep-fried shrimp (새우튀김), mini deep-fried seaweed rolls filled with glass noodles (미니김말이), probiotic plum-flavored drink (유산균음료자두맛), and a lump of rice with assorted seeds and roasted seaweed flakes (모듬깨주먹밥).

Korean School Meal

Korean School Meal

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: Korean knife-cut noodle soup with vegetables and beef (명동칼국수), white rice mixed with barley (보리밥), oven-baked teriyaki chicken leg (데리야끼닭다리오븐구이), Korean seasoned chives with king oyster mushrooms (새송이버섯부추무침), seasoned radish and other fillings wrapped in pickled cabbage leaves (보쌈김치), and pineapple (파인애플).

School Lunch in South Korea

school lunch in south korea

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: pork backbone stew (돼지등뼈감자탕), rice with glutinous millet (차조밥), Korean ham pancake and tofu pancake (햄전&두부전), seasoned water dropwort with mung bean sprouts (미나리숙주나물무침), sliced radish kimchi (섞박지), and mango pudding (망고푸딩).

Korean School Meals

korean school meals

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: nutritious short rib soup (영양갈비탕), white rice mixed with sprouted brown rice (발아현미밥), Korean seafood and wild chive pancakes (달래해물전), sliced radish kimchi (섞박지), seasoned acorn jelly salad (도토리묵무침), and green grapes (청포도).

School Lunches in Korea

School Lunches in Korea

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: fish cake soup with udon noodles (어묵우동), white rice mixed with barley (보리밥), gold kiwifruit (골드키위), seasoned spinach (시금치무침), hamburger steak (함박스테이크), and cabbage kimchi (배추김치).

School Lunch in South Korea

school lunch in south korea

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: spicy beef soup with vegetables (육개장), multigrain rice (잡곡밥), Korean pork marinated in a soy sauce marinade (돼지간장불고기), mandarin (귤), seasoned Swiss chard mixed with soybean paste (근대된장무침), and cubed radish kimchi (깍두기).

Korean Lunches

Korean Lunches

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: soybean paste soup with enoki mushrooms and fried tofu (팽이버섯유부된장국), fried rice with vegetables wrapped in a thin omelette (오므라이스), skewered sausages and rice cakes (소떡소떡), chocolate milk (초코우유), seasoned spinach (시금치무침), and cabbage kimchi (배추김치).

South Korea School Food

South Korea School Food

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: pork backbone stew (돼지등뼈감자탕), multigrain rice (잡곡밥), fried chicken with green onion (파닭), green kiwifruit (그린키위), water chestnut jelly salad (올방개묵무침), and cubed radish kimchi (깍두기).

School Lunch in Korea

school lunch in korea

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: egg drop soup with chives (부추계란국), fried rice with beef and vegetables (소고기채소볶음밥), seasoned Chinese cabbage (호배추무침), oven-baked chicken leg (닭다리오븐구이), chocolate-dipped banana bread (초코바나나빵), and ponytail radish kimchi (총각김치).

Korea School Food

korean lunches

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: soybean paste soup with Swiss chard (근대된장국), shrimp fried rice with mung bean sprouts (새우살숙주볶음밥), barbecue pork ribs (바베큐폭립), green salad with Caesar dressing (그린샐러드&시저드레싱), chocolate tart (초콜릿타르트), and cubed radish kimchi (깍두기).

Korea School Lunches

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: Korean noodle soup (잔치국수), white rice mixed with sprouted brown rice (발아현미밥), fresh cabbage kimchi (배추겉절이), Korean kimchi-stuffed buckwheat crepe (메밀김치전병), gold kiwifruit (골드키위), and braised pork ribs (돼지갈비찜).

School Lunch Korea

school lunch korea

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: fish cake soup (어묵국), Korean rice cakes in a spicy, sweet, and creamy sauce (로제떡볶이), seasoned yellow pickled radish with chives (단무지부추무침), peach-flavored water jelly (워터젤리복숭아), mini deep-fried seaweed rolls filled with glass noodles (미니김말이), deep-fried shrimp (새우튀김), and a lump of rice with sesame seeds and roasted seaweed flakes (모듬깨주먹밥).

Korean Lunch School

korean lunch school

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: ground soybean stew (콩비지찌개), white rice mixed with sprouted brown rice (발아현미밥), braised chicken with vegetables and sweet potato starch noodles (안동찜닭), frozen mango (아이스망고), squid pancake with chives (오징어부추전), and cabbage kimchi (배추김치).

Korean School Lunch Menu

korean school lunch menu

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: hand-torn noodle soup with perilla seeds (들깨수제비국), white rice mixed with oats (귀리밥), spicy stir-fried pork with kimchi (제육김치볶음), seasoned burdock root with dried squid (우엉진미채조림), tropical fruit salad (열대과일샐러드), and cubed radish kimchi (깍두기).

Korea School Lunch

korea school lunch

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: beef and taro soup (토란국), five-grain rice (오곡밥), cabbage kimchi (배추김치), half-moon shaped rice cakes stuffed with sweetened sesame seeds (송편), Korean meatballs with teriyaki sauce (동그랑땡데리야끼조림), and stir-fried sweet potato starch noodles with pork, mushrooms, and vegetables (돼지고기버섯잡채).

South Korea School Lunch

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: soybean paste soup with enoki mushrooms and fried tofu (팽이버섯유부된장국), chicken mayo rice bowl (치킨마요덮밥), bacon salad with sweet chili sauce (칠리베이컨샐러드), chocolate sherbet in a pouch (눈꽃초코아이스), deep-fried spiral-cut whole potato on a skewer with cheese seasoning (회오리감자&치즈시즈닝), and cabbage kimchi (배추김치).

Korean School Food

korean school food

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: Korean spicy seafood noodle soup (해물짬뽕국), sticky rice mixed with sprouted brown rice (발아현미찹쌀밥), Chinese steamed soup dumplings filled with pork (샤오롱바오만두), Caprese salad (카프레제샐러드), mango (망고), and white kimchi (백김치).

Korean School Lunches

korean school lunches

My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: seaweed soup with Manila clams (바지락미역국), white rice (백미밥), Korean marinated beef (소불고기), croffle topped with fresh cream, strawberry sauce, chocolate sauce, and crunchy chocolate pieces (돼지바크로플), cold cucumber salad with imitation crab meat (오이맛살냉채), and cabbage kimchi (배추김치).

Oven-Baked Teriyaki Chicken Leg and Various Side Dishes - My Korean Elementary School Lunch


My Korean school lunch! Clockwise from bottom right: Korean knife-cut noodle soup (칼국수), barley mixed with white rice (보리밥), Korean seasoned chives with king oyster mushrooms (새송이버섯부추무침), oven-baked teriyaki chicken leg (데리야끼닭다리오븐구이), honeydew melon (허니듀멜론), and cabbage kimchi (배추김치).

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